
Bitcoin101In Picture

Bitcoin Glossary of Terms

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | # Aa Address: See “Bitcoin Address” AML (Anti-Money Laundering): Anti-Money Laundering (AML) regulations and procedures are governmental requirements intended to stop criminals from disguising the origins of their funds. AML restrictions often apply to bitcoin exchanges and mandate the provision of personal identifying information from investors. ASIC (Application-Specific Integrated Circuit): Application-specific integrated circuits (ASICs) are computer chips…

Bitcoin101Editor's Pick

What is Quantum Computing?

Quantum computing is a form of computing based on quantum physics. Where classical computers rely on bits (zeros or ones) to make calculations, quantum computers use quantum bits (qubits) that leverage quantum mechanics to exist in a “superposition”: a combination of zero and one, with some probability for each. A qubit could, for example, have…

Bitcoin101Editor's Pick

What Are Bitcoin Mixers and How Do They Work? Guide

While Bitcoin addresses are “pseudonymous” — meaning, they don’t, in themselves, reveal the identity of their owner — they can often still be linked to real-world identities. For example, if you withdraw bitcoin from an exchange where you’ve identified yourself, the exchange knows that the withdrawal address is yours. There are also more advanced techniques…

Bitcoin101In Picture

What is Segwit and What is Its Benefits?

What Are the Benefits of SegWit? As probably its most notable fix, SegWit got rid of transaction malleability. Before SegWit, an oddity about Bitcoin’s cryptographic signatures made it such that transactions could be tweaked to “look” different, even by people who hadn’t themselves created the transaction. While this wouldn’t make the transaction invalid or change…


What is the Bitcoin Block Size Limit?

The Bitcoin block size limit is a parameter in the Bitcoin protocol that limits the size of Bitcoin blocks, and, therefore, the number of transactions that can be confirmed on the network approximately every 10 minutes. Although Bitcoin launched without this parameter, Satoshi Nakamoto added a 1 megabyte block size limit back when he was…


What is the Lightning Network?

The Lightning Network is a Layer 2 protocol for Bitcoin, specifically designed for cheap, fast and private payments. As an overlay network consisting of payment channels, Lightning payments are not recorded on Bitcoin’s blockchain — only channel-funding transactions and channel-closing transactions are. This effectively means that many Lightning transactions can be settled with much fewer…

Bitcoin101In Picture

What is a Bitcoin Improvement Proposal (BIP)?

A Bitcoin Improvement Proposal (BIP) is a standard for proposing changes to the Bitcoin protocol, or in some cases a source for information for the Bitcoin community. Additionally, some BIPs are proposed changes to the BIP process itself. BIPs can include consensus-critical changes (like soft fork and hard fork protocol upgrades) but also other changes…

Bitcoin101Editor's Pick

Bitcoin and Taxes

Tax season can be confusing enough with complicated rules about what types of income are taxable and which are not; what can be written off and what can’t; and which assets need to be listed and which do not. Add to that the confusion around digital currency and its status in the eyes of governments,…

Bitcoin101In Picture

What are Bitcoin Wallets?

Storing bitcoin in a safe location has its challenges. This is because bitcoins aren’t physically “stored” anywhere. As a purely digital entity, it is not as if they are held in bank vaults or stuffed under mattresses. They are accessible through Bitcoin addresses, which require a set of digital keys for entry. So, the question…

Bitcoin101Editor's Pick

How to Keep Bitcoins Safe

If you are thinking through the process of accruing bitcoins, you may be wondering where to keep them once you’ve done so. After investing time and resources into the digital asset, can you be sure they are locked safely away for when you want to use them? In truth, bitcoins aren’t “stored” anywhere. As a…